Elizabeth Burton - Math Tutoring in Seattle
Elizabeth Burton - Math Tutoring in Seattle

Welcome to my website

I provide skillful and compassionate tutoring to high school and college students, and to adults. I help people:

  • Identify and clear blocks to learning
  • Deepen understanding
  • Increase academic performance
  • Improve study skills
  • Develop confidence in their own abilities

What makes me different?

I bring a calm presence, empathy, and an unusual depth of knowledge and experience to my work. I have a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Washington, and have taught a wide range of courses at the high school, community college, and university levels. I have trained mathematics teaching assistants and tutors at both the Seattle and Bothell campuses of the University of Washingon, helping them to become more effective teachers. Especially unusual for a mathematician, I have training in empathic communication and mediation skills, allowing me to both talk and listen to a wide variety of people, and respond skillfully and effectively.

If you are uncomfortable with math...
I make a point of providing a comfortable, welcoming atmosphere, where you are listened to carefully and respectfully, and your needs are specifically addressed. With my help, people are often able to set their discomfort aside, allowing their natural curiosity and interest to awaken. A number of clients who thought of themselves as being "bad at math" have found to their surprise that not only could they learn math, but that they could actually enjoy it!

Elizabeth Burton - Math Tutoring in Seattle
Elizabeth Burton
(206) 407-5398
I invite you to look at the rest of my site to find out more. Please contact me if you have questions or would like to set up an appointment.

"Elizabeth Burton was my Ph.D. student when I was on the faculty at the University of Washington. She is a very knowledgeable, thoughtful, and conscientious teacher, excellent in one-on-one tutorials.

You may have every confidence that she will be a good teacher for your child."

--Dr. Paul Goerss
Professor and Chair
Department of Mathematics
Northwestern University

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